Saturday, June 6, 2009

Seeking after the Knowledge of God

As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this article, God the Father houses an extremely above the usual value on the pursuit of knowledge - especially spiritual knowledge. He says that incrementing knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold and material things of this world.

The Bible tells us we have to grow in the knowledge of God. Once you get saved - that is just the beginning. From there, God expects you to baloon in the knowledge of Him, His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and all of Their ways. As I mentioned in the article I did titled "The Power of the Word of God" - the number one way that you grow in spiritual knowledge on their earth is by reading and studying the Bible for yourself. There is no additional way.

God has arranged to have all of the spiritual knowledge the we will ever need about Him, His Son and His Spirit to all be contained in right now one Book. You in addition rise in the knowledge of God through your own personal adventures the present you own with Him in your own daily walk, along in learning from other Christians - especially those who are anointed and gifted to teach from His Word.

Once again, God uses some very intense language in these verses. You can really notify too He is struggling to let all of us know the extreme importance of growing in this knowledge. The reason for this is that God's ultimate aim for us is our sanctification and transformation. He wants us to become more holy such as Himself.

However, before God may allow now sanctification process to truly kick into thorough gear through the Holy Spirit - He wants you to utterly understand exactly what He is doing and why He is working at it. In !no! words - you have to hold the knowledge as to what God is doing and exactly why He is doing it.

Even small children will select up on this principle really quickly. Tell a child the present he is not to do somewhat - and what is the first thing he will do? He will ask you why he can't do that particular thing. And subsequently if the child is old enough to understand what which reason is - you subsequently proceed to tell him why it is not in his best mortgage to do overly particular thing. In a good amount of expressions - you are providing your child the knowledge that he needs to have so he knows why he must or might not do somewhat specific.

It's the exact same way with God the Father. God loves to transmit knowledge to His children every where in the committe on anything the current they may need His knowledge on in this life - but how prevents many of His children from receiving this knowledge directly from Him is the current they have never kept on taught how to hear from Him when He performs start to try and communicate with them or they do not press in and enter into a seeking mode amongst Him to get Him to release the current knowledge to them.

If there is one major answer I have learned based on data from the Lord on getting Him to release more of His knowledge to you - is that you have to go into a seeking mode with Him. God will not spoon-feed you forever. The Bible says to ask - and then you will receive. Seek - and then you will find. Knock - and later the door will open be open to you. Notice in all three of those conditions that you have to be the one to initiate it. You have to be the one to ask, to seek and to knock. If you do - then God will key you, open doors for you and let you find the answers to your questions and problems.

King David tells us that we undergo to meditate on the word of God. To meditate does not hint at to blank your mind out waiting for God to talk to you. Meditate leads to to suppose about, to chew on, to try and am certain out what some Scripture verses instigate and how they specifically apply to your life.

What I have for one found out is that the Holy Spirit is able to literally guide your thoughts into the revelation overly you are seeking once as you are trying to figure out what the answers are. In other phrases - you will find the knowledge you are needing as you are seeking after it. The Holy Spirit can either guide your thoughts into how the correct answers are by you just now using chosen of your brain power to try and think things out or He will guide you as to where individuals answers are located at.

You can literally learn how to "pull" knowledge directly from God by being offered to these seeking modes with Him! As you will see in some of the Scripture verses I will be able to list below - it is the job of the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us things in this life. In other words - the Holy Spirit is our individualized guide and custom teacher in their life. The Holy Spirit can and will communicate to you if you are open to obtaining this kind of supernatural communication from what i read in Him.

I could be doing a even more in-depth article in the near future on the wide variety of ways which the Holy Spirit will communicate to you - very in the area of getting knowledge from Him. But for this prediction - I just fancy to give you the main foundational verses for the Bible to let you know that God does want to transmit His knowledge to you around the group on anything that you can need His knowledge on in this life. Not only can God give you all the spiritual knowledge that you are able to seek subsequent to - but He can also end up with you His knowledge across the board on anything and everything else who you may need His knowledge on in this moment life.

God can give you His knowledge on how to become better parents for your children, better spouses for your mates, right at whatever specific job or jobs He will be calling you to do. If God is calling you to be a policeman, an attorney, a doctor, a nurse, a stay at real estate mom, an architect, a laborer, a sports star - He can supply you His knowledge in every of those select areas so as to make you better at each of individuals jobs. There is with out a doubt nothing that God cannot give you His knowledge on if you are open to receiving it and are not afraid to start seeking and pressing in after it!

Many, many Christians are missing out on the current portion in such a walk with the Lord. God should supernaturally communicate His knowledge to you - but you mostly have to realize the present He performs want to communicate His knowledge to you and then you have to learn how to decide on it up and properly read it when He does start to communicate to you. Again - I will go into much more detail on how to really hear from God in another forecast - but in this article, I want to show to you by the Scripture verses I am able to list below, that God that much does want to impart and transmit knowledge to you.

As you will see in the way that I am able to contemporary the appropriate Scripture verses on that subject to you - we are dealing investing in an incredible profound fact - in that God Almighty Himself - a Being with perfect knowledge on all things - is keen to communicate and transmit His knowledge to us through the Holy Spirit - who is literally residence on the inside of us! Think about this - which you have the knowledge of God right now residing on the inside of you in the Holy Spirit who is already living on the inside of you!

The Scripture verses I will list below should prove you the insane importance which God is placing on each and everyone of us in which we fancy to obtain this kind of knowledge from Him. In some of these verses, God is making some truly powerful and profound statements. He says:

That we are to GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

That His persons are literally destroyed and should go into captivity for lack of knowledge.

That gaining His knowledge and wisdom will help you walk safely in this life, allow preserve you and help carry on you on the right path that He has set up for you to try to be like in such life.

That gaining knowledge, wisdom and state of affairs is higher than all of the gold, silver and rubies of this sector and that it does not much begin to compare to anything else that you may would like in this life! In a multitude of words, incrementing the knowledge of God in this life is even greater and proper as opposed to any materialistic event that you could yet buy, want or desire in this life!

To think that God Himself is making this sort of statement in that acquiring knowledge is more important than anything and everything else that we can acquire in this life is as big and powerful of a statement that He can make about how is really most important in this life!

Notice in the first bullet height above that we are to grow in the knowledge of God. I concur that the main reason God is telling us that gaining knowledge is other monumental than everything else we can seek in the wake of in the livlihood is because we cannot grow in God unless we fashion His knowledge and then seek to implement these truths to our property and walk with Him.

After you get saved - God then expects you to start to spiritually increase in value and mature in your walk in Him. You cannot become more holy, larger number of transformed and more sanctified unless you are spiritually growing. And you cannot start to spiritually grow unless you are first seeking after the knowledge that will cause currently spiritual growth to transpire in the first place!

If you really study the people who are various alive in this life - it is the seekers - it is the consumers who are gradually learning, slowly trying to improve this knowledge base on whatever it is they are seeking after. It is the knowledge seekers that are making the great discoveries so are changing the path of human history with the discoveries that properties have made. And they could not have created those discoveries without chiefly seeking following the knowledge this are able to eventually cause them to persons select discoveries.

As you will see in some of the profound Scripture verses I are able to list below - God is able to make you seek and search engine in the wake of knowledge - a good deal in the same way treasure hunters will search for buried treasure. Talk to any real knowledge seeker - and they serves to notify you the most of their joy comes from the journey of making an attempt to find the knowledge that properties are seeking after. Once the discovery has been made and they hold found anything that they may need on a particular subject - at that time it is off to the next great adventure.

Nothing will stimulate your mind and emotions and make you feel more alive as opposed to seeking after the knowledge on somewhat that you may really be interested in and be very passionate about. However, many in our country own become "brain dead" and mentally lazy as a result of becoming couch potatoes by watching too a good deal TV. God has incredible knowledge adventures set up for each and everyone of us if we are willing to get up out of our ruts, step out of our safe boats and start seeking after the things that He wants us seeking after.

Before I go into the Scripture verses on all of this - I will leave you with one last thought.

The knowledge of God is like a treasure chest who has no lowest to it! There is no limit to the amount of knowledge that God can release to you if you are willing to dive to that treasure chest and start seeking ensuing it. Think around this long and hard - that the one and only all powerful and all understanding God of the whole universe is willing and able to transmit His knowledge to you on whatever it is you are wanting His knowledge and wisdom on.

Every single Christian has this massive treasure chest of knowledge and wisdom literally residing on the inside of them in the person of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is only too anxious and simply approaching for you to tap into Him to get this knowledge to start to be released to you!

This incredible knowledge adventure is waiting for each and every Christian who is willing to get off the couch and start using the brain electricity that the Lord has supplied to each and everyone of us to start to want after this kind of knowledge.

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